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Molto brevemente: Cos’è l’ipertrofia? Definizione di ipertrofia. Fattori che favoriscono l’ipertrofia muscolare. I differenti tipi di ipertrofia: transitoria, cronica, funzionale, non funzionale
Autore: Dottoressa Maria Zullo
Molto brevemente: Cos’è l’ipertrofia?
L’ipertrofia è un evento biologico/fisiologico che prevede l’aumento di volume di…[Leggi tutto]
La corretta alimentazione per raggiungere l’ipertrofia; Consigli per un corretto approccio alimentare per raggiungere l’ipertrofia muscolare. Come frazionare i pasti? Quali cibi sono da preferire tra i carboidrati ed i grassi. Il ruolo degli integratori.
Molti considerano l’alimentazione di chi pratica attività che mirano all’iper…[Leggi tutto]
Cicli con steroidi anabolizzanti; Come si compone un ciclo di steroidi anabolizzanti per l’incremento della massa muscolare? Qual è la dose che generalmente utilizzano i body builder?
Autore: Dottor Nicola Sacchi
Gli steroidi anabolizzanti vengono usati dagli atleti in cicli. Con il termine ciclo si intende un periodo di alcune settimane in c…[Leggi tutto]
Hamer: Listening to some music hertz; July 31st 2015
I have to say, I believe I’ve used up all my “hertz” puns for this blog series. However, the way I am using the word hertz in relation to music is absolutely true. Some music does hurt us.
Hamer: Listening to some music hertz
If we look at the 20th century and the massive changes there were i…[Leggi tutto]
Hamer: Listening to some music hertz; July 31st 2015
I have to say, I believe I’ve used up all my “hertz” puns for this blog series. However, the way I am using the word hertz in relation to music is absolu […]
Hamer: Where does it hertz? July 22nd 2015
Unless someone is a musician, no one would know anything about the origin of what we call “concert pitch” which means that the vibration of “concert A” is different from “natural A” also known as “Verdi A” which is the pitch at which we naturally sing songs.
Hamer: Where does it hertz?
A frequenc…[Leggi tutto]
Hamer: Where does it hertz? July 22nd 2015
Unless someone is a musician, no one would know anything about the origin of what we call “concert pitch” which means that the vibration of “concert A” is different […]
Hamer: Our Brains on Music; uly 15th 2015
There has been so much research done on music and how it affects the brain, I could go on forever about it, however none of the existing research is as profound as that of what Dr. Hamer discovered about how our brains react when exposed to music in a specific form. By form, I mean how a musical c…[Leggi tutto]
Hamer: Our Brains on Music; uly 15th 2015
There has been so much research done on music and how it affects the brain, I could go on forever about it, however none of the existing research is as profound as t […]
Hamer: Music soothes the soul; June 15th 2015
Those of you following the GNM may already know that Dr. Hamer has recently directed his attention to music therapy and has written another volume of more than 700 pages on the subject, which also includes his personal research and detailed case histories.
Hamer: Music soothes the soul
The findings…[Leggi tutto]
Hamer: Music soothes the soul; June 15th 2015
Those of you following the GNM may already know that Dr. Hamer has recently directed his attention to music therapy and has written another volume of more than […]
Hamer: Lymes, Disease or Syndrome? August 31st 2 015
Lymes is a hot issue in both traditional and alternative medicine. Until recently it was not even considered to be a “disease”.
Hamer: Lymes, Disease or Syndrome?
Like all other so called “infections” the entire topic is highly misunderstood. First we have to appreciate Dr. Hamer’s di…[Leggi tutto]
Hamer: Lymes, Disease or Syndrome? August 31st 2015
Lymes is a hot issue in both traditional and alternative medicine. Until recently it was not even considered to be a “d […]
Hamer: Symptoms of Lymes, they’re all in your head! September 9th 2015In the GNM, regardless of what is called a disease or syndrome, we begin by breaking down symptoms into categories. First and foremost, we l […]
Hamer: Symptoms of Lymes, they’re all in your head! September 9th 2015 ; In the GNM, regardless of what is called a disease or syndrome, we begin by breaking down symptoms into categories. First and foremost, we look to the specific kind of tissue and the part of the brain that controls it to try to understand if the symptom or symptoms we ar…[Leggi tutto]
Doctor R. G. Hamer: Do or diet? December 29th 2015
As the year comes to a close, many of us begin to make New Year’s resolutions. Some of us resolve to exercise more, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and some of us are looking to lose some weight, in which case we try to change our diet to more wholesome foods free from chemicals .
Doctor R. G.…[Leggi tutto]
Doctor R. G. Hamer: Do or diet? December 29th 2015
As the year comes to a close, many of us begin to make New Year’s resolutions. Some of us resolve to exercise more, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and some of […]
4 x 100 Arron fantastique et encroyable !!!
..e ancora… 2003, 4 x 100 donne, Francia !!!
mai visto in Vita mia una rimonta tanto straordinaria !!!
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