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Alimentazione: Concetti sulla disidratazione

Alimentazione - Official Group

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Alimentazione: Concetti sulla disidratazione;

Osmolarità e disidratazione

Caratteristiche della bevanda ideale contro la disidratazione

Alimentazione: Concetti sulla disidratazione


Alimentazione: Concetti sulla disidratazione


La bevanda ideale per fronteggiare la disidratazione deve possedere diverse caratteristiche:
• innanzitutto un sapore gradevole;
•dev’essere facilmente assorbibile senza causare problemi gastrointestinali;
•deve quindi essere moderatamente refrigerata (8-13°C), isotonica e mai iperosmolare;
•deve infine contenere una minima quantità di carboidrati (5-7%), non superiore al 10%.

Per questo motivo l’acqua ed una dieta ricca di vegetali sono molto utili per prevenire la disidratazione, ma quando questa è già insorta o è probabile che faccia la sua comparsa (sudorazione severa ecc.) è molto meglio sorseggiare bevande appositamente formulate. La sola acqua, infatti, potrebbe non solo essere insufficiente ma addirittura controindicata (possibile causa di iponatremia).

Tipo di bevanda Contenuto Indicazioni
Ipotonica Fluidi, elettroliti ed un basso contenuto in carboidrati Rapida reidratazione, ma poca energia
Isotonica Fluidi, elettroliti ed un 6 – 8% di carboidrati Rapida reidratazione ed energia
Ipertonica Elevato contenuto in carboidrati Scarsa e lenta reidratazione, ma elevata energia

Osmolarità e disidratazione

L’osmolarità di un liquido corrisponde al numero di particelle presenti in soluzione. In una bevanda reidratante queste particelle comprendono i già citati elettroliti (sali) ed i carboidrati, oltre agli immancabili conservanti e dolcificanti artificiali. L’osmolarità del plasma, che in condizioni normali si aggira tra i 280 ed i 330mOsm/kg, è influenzata principalmente da alcuni suoi componenti, come sodio, proteine e glucosio.

Una bevanda, per dirsi isotonica, deve avere la stessa osmolarità del plasma (pur cambiando il tipo di soluti). Al contrario, si definiscono ipotoniche ed isotoniche quelle bevande aventi, rispettivamente, una osmolarità inferiore o superiore.

Il consumo di bevande ipotoniche, come l’acqua ed in particolare quella a basso residuo, diminuisce l’osmolarità plasmatica (diluisce i soluti del sangue) e tende a ridurre la sensazione di sete prima che i livelli idrici si siano ripristinati. Le bevande ipertoniche, invece, per le leggi dell’osmosi, richiamano liquidi nel lume intestinale, aggravando la disidratazione e diventando fonte di possibili disordini intestinali (diarrea).

Appurato che la bevanda ideale per combattere la disidratazione dev’essere isotonica o leggermente ipotonica, è bene ricordare che la maggior parte degli sport drink rispetta tale direttiva (in tal caso l’aggettivo “isotonica” o “isosmolare” è chiaramente riportato in etichetta). Si può preparare una sana e gustosa bevanda reidratante anche miscelando cinque cucchiai di zucchero da tavola per ogni litro di acqua ed aggiungendovi un pizzico di sale (1g) e 100 ml di succo d’arancia concentrato. Tra gli scaffali dei supermercati o in negozi specializzati, sono inoltre disponibili integratori salini in polvere che vanno sempre aggiunti alle bevande nei dosaggi riportati in etichetta. Quando questi vengono superati, infatti, l’elevata concentrazione salina richiama liquidi a livello intestinale per gradiente osmotico, sottraendoli al plasma, causando diarrea ed aggravando lo stato di disidratazione corporea.

Il sudore è una soluzione acquosa in cui si trovano minerali, come sodio, cloro, magnesio e potassio. Il sudore è un LIQUIDO IPOSMOTICO, cioè con una OSMOLARITÀ (concentrazione delle particelle presenti in soluzione, o soluti) inferiore a quella di tutti gli altri liquidi corporei; il sudore ha infatti una concentrazione di 80-180 mOsm/l rispetto a 280-330 mOsm/l del plasma. La sudorazione, pertanto, determina sempre una perdita di acqua in eccesso rispetto alla perdita di sali.

Per quanto detto è bene che la bevanda reidratante abbia una concentrazione uguale (isotonica) o leggermente inferiore (ipotonica) a quella del plasma.


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Fabio, Sport Masseur

Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence

Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence;  Fifth Biological Law: the quintessence of Nature’s intelligent design


Fifth Biological Law: the Nature's quintessence


Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence


Intelligent design theory is considered “pseudoscientific” or even “junk science.” There is usually no place for it in a scientific discussion, and almost never in the raw, clinical coldness of a medical facility.

The phrase came from fundamentalist Christians who were working to circumvent the legal ruling that the theory of evolution could be taught as a scientific theory, while the creation story of the Book of Genesis could not be presented as a science teaching.

I’m a scientist, but I have always loved the phrase “intelligent design,” because it so eloquently conveys the incredibly elegant reality of the patterns of Nature, including those that govern disease and healing. This phrase is much closer to the reality of the way the world works than the boring, mechanical concepts of “random mutation” and “natural selection.”

Whether the God of Christianity or the non-God of mechanistic science was the creator of these beautifully-efficient patterns and governing laws does not change the truth: the system is intelligent. It’s beyond intelligent, in fact; it’s pure genius.

The Underlying Design, the Quintessence, or the Basic Meaning of Disease and Healing:

Every disease, discomfort, illness, or symptom is a significant and meaningful part of a special biological program of Nature. Each symptom of each disease makes total sense in the context of our ontogeny and our evolution.

Regardless of our religious beliefs, or lack thereof.

We are taught in school and by the society around us that everything in the whole universe tends toward disorder and that if we don’t work at it, everything will fall apart. This is our misinterpretation, and this misinterpretation leads to a lot of suffering.

Why would God or Nature produce a world that is always just barely keeping itself from utter collapse?

Nature takes care of itself, with perfect efficiency – and with profound intelligence. Nothing in Nature is ever meaningless or “malignant.” We are part of Nature, and therefore Nature takes care of us as it takes care of itself – with perfect efficiency and never a single molecule of meaningless waste.

Every conflict-shock that we experience that catches us off-guard triggers a special biological program of Nature that assists us in resolving the actual conflict situation.

Every disease – physiological or mental or emotional – can be seen as a meaningful, most efficient, completely appropriate, and temporary program of Nature. That’s the quintessential meaning of the forces unleashed upon us as part of this vastly intelligent design.

Every program of Nature pulls us toward wholeness – health – never in the direction of deterioration. It is only conflict-shock experiences, unresolved, that pull us away from health. Nature’s intelligent design immediately works to move us


Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence Fifth Biological Law: the Nature’s quintessence 

Fabio, Sport Masseur

Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law

Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law;  the role of germs in disease and healing

Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law

Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law

The little germs that surround and fill our bodies sure do have a bad rap these days. I’m scared of chemicals, so to me it seems as though there has been a wave of “germophobia” in the last couple decades that has everyone dousing themselves in all kinds of microbe-killing chemicals to ward off the threat posed by these invisible creatures.

It wasn’t always so; we haven’t been so terrified of cooties all along. But when our society did start being scared of microscopic organisms, we walloped them with every weapon we could get our hands on!

In the 1950’s spirit of “better living through chemistry,” housewives painted their kitchen shelves with DDT and lead to ward off the evil infectious spirits, and practically every little kid in North America had his tonsils removed because they were thought to harbour germs believed to be the cause of everything from sore throats to polio.

Rachel Carson was the first to really point out the rising suspicion that the chemicals being used to kill off germs were much more dangerous to our health – and the health of many other species – than the germs themselves. In 1962, she wrote a book called “Silent Spring” that set off the entire environmental movement. Those of you who, like me, are afraid of chemical toxins in the world around you, can thank Rachel Carson for triggering the environmental movement that made us all aware of the dangers of chemicals.

I wish she’d also dealt with the non-dangers of germs while she was at it. Despite the rise of “chemophobia,” a lot of people in our society are still more terrified of germs. It is the primary justification for our massive chemical sales industry – not to mention the very lucrative market for antibiotics and other germ-killing drugs!

Fear of cancer due to chemicals competes with fear of infection due to germs, in some kind of horrible balancing act that keeps many people in a state of near-constant hypochondriacal compulsiveness.

But now we know what really causes cancer and infection, so it’s time for society to stop being terrified, and start taking charge of our health.

So, what really is the role of germs – fungi, mycobacteria, bacteria, viruses – in disease? How do these microscopic critters fit into what we now know about the real causes and progression of the disease and healing process?

Germs are in our bodies all the time – yes, even cholera, tetanus and the other dreaded infectious microbes. But they only flare up and do anything under very specific circumstances.

Certain microbes, if present in our bodies at the time of the original DHS (conflict-shock experience), will participate, but only in the healing phase, of diseases.

This means that germs are neither the cause of the diseases – we know what the true cause of diseases is – nor are they participants in the conflict-active phase of any disease.


Microbes, if present, participate in the healing phase of diseases by opportunistically consuming excess tissues that the body no longer needs when it moves into the healing phase of a disease process.

Even more specifically, infection-related germs only participate in old-brain governed disease healing processes.

When the psyche, brain and body function of old-brain biological processes are activated by a conflict-shock experience, the relevant old-brain directs the body to create more and more tissue in the affected body area in order to increase the functional capability of that tissue.

Later, when the conflict experience is resolved, the psyche and brain “shut off” these excess tissues that were built during the conflict-active phase, because they are no longer necessary to the body. In fact, they’re now just clutter. As a result of being shut off, the extra tissue becomes dead tissue.

Germs – fungi, mycobacteria, and bacteria – will consume this extra, dead tissue. They will not consume live tissue that is still being innervated (electrically-controlled) by the brain.

The resulting microscopic population explosion that occurs as a result of the germ population in that part of the body suddenly having a new “food” source is called “infection.” However, the idea that the germs cause the infection is a deeply unscientific cultural myth that has been scaring our society into buying a lot of expensive (and sometimes dangerous) chemicals and medications for about six or seven decades now.

(Actually, the germ theory of disease has been around a bit longer than that, but it was only in the 40’s and 50’s that the general population rejected its flaws, embraced the theory, and got into the ecologically-dangerous practice of actually trying to eradicate germs from our bodies and our surroundings )

Microorganisms do not cause disease, they are simply participants in the removal of dead tissues. This is exactly analogous to the fact that insects do not cause garbage, but are often opportunistic participants in the breakdown of garbage.

In Nature, there is no waste. Energy that was brought into our bodies as extra tissue to try and deal with a situation that we didn’t have enough energy to deal with at the moment that it occurred does not linger in the body after it is no longer needed. Instead, the same thing happens to it as happens to the rest of our body after we are no longer using it: fungi, mycobacteria, and bacteria consume the materials that were once part of our body, and they convert that energy back into usable materials that can be used by the food web for the rest of the Community of Life.

If creation continues for our entire lives, so does death and recycling. Ashes to ashes.

Microbes in Our Ontogeny

The participation of germs in healing of our diseases has evolved right along with the formation of our four brains and our four body systems.

Because of this, the very oldest functions of our body involve one oldest type of animal microbes – the fungi. Fungi particularly become active in our very oldest body function, relating to getting food morsels into and out of our bodies. This means that fungi – such as candida yeasts – are the active microbes during the healing phase of conflict experiences that have involved our intestinal tract.

Later in history, more complicated digestive functions, such as the processing of air, water, and light, were also governed by the old-brain. These more sophisticated functions still involve microbes, but more sophisticated microbes called mycobacteria, which are usually called tuberculosis. Mycobacteria are single-celled creatures that have the properties of both fungus and bacteria.

Tuberculosis mycobacteria, if they were present in the body at the time of a DHS relating to a problem with processing air, water, or light, participate in the healing phase of conflicts that involved the lungs, the kidney collecting tubules, or the irises of the eyes.

The other old-brain function, our protective corium skin that envelops our body and several of our vital internal organ systems, builds tissue during the conflict-active phase of an experience of “attack” against our physical body. Bacteria, which are more sophisticated than mycobacteria or fungi, participate in the breakdown of these extra protective tissues when the conflict has been resolved.

Hey, What About Viruses?

The whole theory of pathogenic (disease-causing) viruses is seriously flawed. The idea of a bit of dead DNA that can’t even reproduce itself somehow coordinating en masse to invade a living, intelligently-designed cell millions or billions of times larger than itself, then taking over the cell’s entire reproductive apparatus in order to duplicate itself, and then killing the cell in order to meaninglessly go on to attack even more cells…

… well, “far-fetched” is a gentle way of putting the hypothesis.

In fact, a disease-causing virus has never, ever been isolated, characterized and described. Viruses have never even been collected from diseased tissues in order to blame them for causing the diseases. Pathogenic viruses are completely hypothetical.

Nevertheless, if disease-causing viruses exist, they are participants in the healing phase of new-brain governed diseases, which would mean that they participate by helping to re-build deteriorated tissues that are controlled by the new-brain. This means that, if they exist, they are somehow present while bone, blood, lymph, muscle, and skin tissues heal themselves.

Perhaps viruses, which are really little bits of inert DNA that aren’t complete enough to do any kind of lifelike activity, are used as raw material to physically repair tissues that have been lost in the conflict-active phase of a disease.

The Appropriate Use of Antibiotics and Germ-Killing Chemicals

Antibiotics do not need to be used to completely eliminate microbes from our bodies, because these microbes for the most part are actually helpers in our system, participating in the process of dissolving and clearing out tissues that we no longer need for our optimal functioning. Antibiotics can be helpful, however, if they are used sparingly in order to reduce severe healing phase symptoms that follow the resolution of a severe conflict-shock experience.

As for using germ-killing chemicals to sanitize our external environment, this practice has gone way overboard in our daily lives. Good old soap and water is the the best choice in 95% of all situations. We do need to keep our homes and bodies clean and tidy, but banishing all microscopic life from the world around us is not only impossible and unnecessary, the attempt to do so is ecologically very, very damaging. Therefore, it is a threat to our own overall health and well-being.

The only reason we need to keep our bodies and homes somewhat clean and tidy, is because an organized life is one in which we are much less likely to encounter conflict experiences (such as stepping on a rusty nail, not being able to conveniently create a good meal, or sleeping in a cold bed) that could lead to disease symptoms. In fact, an experience of filthiness or dirtiness in and of itself can constitute a conflict-shock experience.

But, for people like me that are scared of harsh chemicals, a noseful of bleach or the taste of strong hand-sanitizer chemicals on my lips constitutes a much worse offense to my psyche, brain, and body than does a bit of mud.


Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological Law Doctor R. G. Hamer – Fourth Biological La

Fabio, Sport Masseur

Doctor Hamer – The Third Biological Law

Doctor R. G. Hamer EN Official Group

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Doctor Hamer – The Third Biological Law     the underlying ontogeny system of disease.

Ontogeny isn’t really a word tossed around in everyday conversation, but it’s actually a fascinating topic, and a key to several of life’s greatest mysteries, including the mystery of how and why disease and healing occur.


Doctor Hamer – The Third Biological Law


Doctor Hamer – The Third Biological Law


In fact, a basic understanding of the ontogenetic system of diseases reveals that the processes of disease and healing are actually very precise and completely consistent from one person – and one species – to the next.


The beauty of the knowledge of this, the third biological law (the system of ontogeny), is that even the most terrifying medical diagnosis and prognosis now can be put into a meaningful frame of reference – which takes most of the fear right out of it. For this reason alone, it’s absolutely worth learning about ontogeny and its role in the development of all diseases. So I’ll get started with a definition of ontogeny.

The word ontogeny comes from two parts: ontos, meaning “to be,” and genesis, meaning “creation.” So “ontogeny” means “to be created.” The word ontogeny is used to describe all the steps and stages that we go through in our physical creation, from the moment of conception until our creation ends…

…when we exhale our last breath.

When you think about it, it makes complete sense. We learn every day of our lives, we have experiences every day of our lives, and we act on those experiences and learnings every day of our lives… so why shouldn’t our physical forms also be participating in that ongoing process, just as they did when we were little embryos and newborn babies?

Ontogeny is the study and description of this process of our biological form growing and developing and being created every day of our lives. And the findings of ontogeny studied with a German New Medicine® perspective reveal an explanation for every disease symptom we ever experience!

The Ontogeny System of Diseases: Every disease, originating from a conflict-shock experience, is “managed” by a psyche-brain-body-function system that has evolved specifically to deal with that particular type of conflict-shock experience.

This is a biological law of nature, impossible to break, which applies without exception to every symptom that takes place in our bodies, whether physical, mental, or emotional.

Human Ontogeny Briefly Summarized

Immediately after we become a fertilized ovum – a few moments after conception – we get busy with our ontogeny. First, the fertilized egg divides into two almost identical cells. Whether the fertilized egg divides to the left or to the right determines our handedness for the rest of our lives.

Within days, the fertilized egg has divided and divided so many times that it has become a little ball of cells (called a morula or a blastula). This ball of cells, as it continues to grow, begins to divide itself into layers, four of them altogether (though in standard texts, the two middle layers are referred to as a single layer called “the mesoderm”).

All of this happens before Mom even knows that you’re on the way.

Ontogeny continues: these four layers develop greater and greater complexity. But for the rest of your life, they remain their own distinct layers with their own distinct functions, almost like your body is made up of four different bodies that all work together throughout your life, but are distinct entities.

By this, I mean that each of these four layers sticks only to its own functions for the rest of your life. The inner layer that eventually develops into your digestive tract, lungs, middle ear, and kidney collecting tubules… that part of your body never takes on the tasks of the outer layer that eventually develops into your outer skin, your coronary arteries, and your eyes.

Each of these four layers of our bodies and the functions that they perform are controlled by their own brain parts. In a way, in addition to your body being made up of four distinct bodies that all work together, you also have four different brains that all work together to run those four sets of body functions!

And it is very important to note that the brain(s) run every single function of the body(ies). Brains are not just for sitting around thinking up physics equations. Our brains run everything from breathing to blood chemistry to emotions. Everything in the body is directed by the brain – or, more specifically, by its own related brain.

Functions of the Four Brains and Their Related Body Systems

Most ontogeny studies pretty much leave off before you get to the part about the brain(s). Ontogeny has become a bit of a muddled subject over the past few decades because of a controversy over a theory that was proposed in 1866 that suggests that the process of human ontogeny repeats all the stages of evolution that “led” to modern humans. The argument is in part based on the controversy about whether humans arose and arise out of the same processes as other animals, or whether we are a special creature dropped onto the planet later, to rule it – a very heavy philosophical debate as you can imagine, and not one that will be solved on this web page.

Nevertheless, the controversy has raged so much that even the word “ontogeny” seems to have become tainted as a result. For this reason, if you speak to a medical doctor or even most holistic health practitioners about ontogeny, or about the role of the brain in running the different layers of the body, you’ll probably get not much more than a blank stare.

1. Brainstem-Led Functions: Basic Survival

The innermost layer of the tiny embryo grows and develops into the body parts devoted to our most basic survival. These parts of our organism are devoted to getting food, water, air, and other types of “morsels” such as light and sound into and out of our bodies. This part of the brain is called the “old brain,” and its functions are the most basic functions that have always been undertaken by animals since the very earliest animals ever existed.

Those now-extinct creatures are called the “ring-formed creatures,” and in very oldest forms they were just little worm-like tubes rolled into a circle. Bits of food would go in one end of the tube, all the way round the circle, then turn around and go back out the way they came in. The incoming and outgoing food went through the same portal!

Later, more sophisticated creatures could encourage food to go into their gullets, and out a different way. This was a more efficient use of the “morsels” that they obtained. A little nerve plexus guided the process. Later still, creatures used that little nerve plexus to help get food into the gullet by developing light and sound sensitivity. That little nerve plexus, called a “brain” in more sophisticated creatures, is also responsible for getting oxygen in and out of the body, and water, too.

In the modern world, all animals have this brain. It’s our brainstem and midbrain, sometimes referred to as the “reptilian brain.”

The “old brain,” or pons of the brainstem, directs all of our organs that are responsible for taking in, biting off, digesting, and eliminating the various physical substances our bodies need to function optimally, which include food, water, air, light, and sound. The associated organs include the intestines, the bottom part of the stomach, salivary and other glands, the swallowing muscles of the throat and esophagus, our lung alveoli, our liver, the innermost part of the kidneys, part of the bladder, the uterus, the middle ears, and the irises of our eyes.

If we have a DHS (conflict-shock experience) that relates to not being able to get something we need or to get rid of something we need to get rid of, the symptoms of that experience will manifest in a brainstem-governed body part. The symptoms will worsen until we resolve this conflict. During the conflict-active phase, more and more tissue will be added to that part of the body, to help it to perform its function better. The extra tissue will be eliminated by your body when the conflict is resolved.

2. Cerebellum-Led Functions: Physical Integrity and Protection of the Body

The very oldest creatures whose fossils have been found each had a membrane around their single-celled bodies. This membrane not only kept the cell contents from floating away in the ocean, it protected the little organism from unwanted substances entering the cell.

More complex creatures, multicellular animals such as ourselves, have a more complex version of this protective skin. It envelops our entire body, and this skin also envelops certain vital organs, to give them extra protection. This “corium skin” of our body is directed by the cerebellum part of our brain.

This function of animal bodies has been present since the earliest life forms. The cerebellum is therefore also an “old brain,” and usually lumped in with the so-called “reptilian brain,” but it is sometimes called “the mammalian brain,” because of an (incorrect) theory that this is where emotions come from. (This theory is linked to a theory that only mammals experience emotions)

Cerebellum-led body parts include the deepest layer of skin covering our entire body, the sac that lines our chest cavity surrounding our heart and lungs (called “the pleura”), the sac that surrounds our heart (called “the pericardium”), and the sac that surrounds an unborn baby (the amniotic sac).

If we have a DHS that relates to our body not being able to protect itself properly, such as from a bad cut or a burn, the symptoms of that conflict will manifest in a cerebellum-governed body part. In the area closest to the “point of attack,” more and more tissue will be added to the skin in that area, whether it’s our deep body-covering skin or one of our inner skins like the pleura. The tissues will continue to thicken and get stronger until the conflict is resolved, at which time your body will eliminate the extra, unnecessary tissue.

3. Cerebral-Medulla-Led Functions: Physical Activities and Capabilities

Life existed for a long time on this planet without being able to physically move or do much beyond simply opening and closing its gullet or gills to get needed substances in and out of the body. Much of the life on the planet – all plant forms, for example – still can’t wander around and build things and consciously modify its own environment.

These activities are newer in the Community of Life’s repertoire of activities. The parts of the body that carry these functions out for us – our bones, muscles, ligaments, and the veins and lymphatics that supply them, as well as a few specialized “doing” organs such as the meaty part of the kidneys and our testicles and ovaries, are led by the “new brain” cerebrum.

The cerebrum is the great big part of our brain, much bigger in humans (and whales and many other mammals) than the old brains – pons of the brainstem and the cerebellum. There are two parts of the cerebrum: the cerebral medulla, or “white matter,” and the cerebral cortex, which is the big wrinkly “grey matter” layer that wraps around the cerebral medulla.

Our physical “doing” functions are carried out using our bones, muscles, ligaments, and so on, led by the cerebral medulla “white matter” part of our cerebrum. If we have a DHS that relates to any kind of inability to perform, any kind of “self-devaluation” issue such as “I can’t do this,” “I can’t handle this,” or “I am no longer able to do this,” the symptoms of that conflict will manifest in a cerebral-medulla-governed body part.

What will happen is that the tissues in the relevant part of the body will begin to deteriorate. The white matter of the brain will direct those tissues to deteriorate and erode away until the conflict is resolved. Once the conflict is resolved, your body will rebuild these tissues, usually to a state significantly bigger and stronger than before the DHS.

4. Cerebral-Cortex-Led Functions: Territorial Control and Relationships

Our grey matter, the great and wondrous cerebral cortex that is so large in human beings (and whales and dolphins, as well as most primates) has a very specific set of functions, just like our other three brains.

These cerebral cortex functions developed much, much later in evolutionary history than the functions of basic survival and physical protection, so this part of the brain definitely qualifies as “new brain.” In fact, the biggest part of our amazingly-large human brains is called the “neo-cortex” because it’s such a new thing in the history of life on Earth.

The function of the cortex is to sense and act on millions and millions of subtle signals from our immediate environment. This part of the brain is very large in all social mammals, especially the primates and the cetaceans (whales and dolphins).

The reason the cortex is so large among social animals is that social animals get their living by working together. To do this, they have to have relationships with each other. To do that, they have to keep track of a million details about one another, including who loves who, who hates who, who is the alpha and who is the peon and who is a stranger and who is a very special member of the group – and how the dynamics change over time, and how to deal with an attack from a different group.

Consider the implications. In a group of twenty, if a new member joins the group, this is not one new relationship for each of the twenty individuals to keep track of – it’s twenty new relationships to keep track of because the new individual has to form relationships with each of the twenty existing members of the group, and everyone has to keep track of all those new relationships and their own new places in the pecking order.

What a gigantic amount of information to keep track of – no wonder the cortex is so large in social animals!

But, as I said earlier, ontogeny never stops until creation stops. So, the functions of the new brain still follow all the biological laws.

The parts of the body that are led by the cerebral cortex all have to do with sensing the subtleties of our environment and the other individuals around us (in your case, mostly human individuals, but also loved pets or feared predators) – and then doing something to change the situation such as taking physical action, or resisting physical action. For this reason, the cerebral cortex works very closely with the cerebral medulla – many DHS experiences involve both brains at once.

The cerebral cortex related body parts are all of our sensory apparatus – the outer skin, the ability to smell, our eyes, our hearing, and all of our speech/language functions, as well as our motor cortex and our blood sugar regulation. The cerebral cortex also controls our body functions that relate to competition, through our coronary arteries and our bronchial apparatus; our need to “mark” our boundaries, through our urinating and defacating equipment; and our lovemaking, through our gentialia and the whole process of orgasm.

Virtually everything that we associate with individuality and personality – the ego takes place in the cerebral cortex…

If we have a DHS that relates to a problem in our functional environment, which usually means our relationships or something unsafe in our immediate environment, the symptoms of that conflict will manifest in a cerebral-cortex-governed body part or body function. The conflicts relate to experiences of being rejected, of being disrespected, or of missing another person or situation – or of wanting the opposite, such as wanting to be rid of someone, wanting to not experience a situation, or wanting to resist a situation.

In other words, every kind of egoic attachment or avoidance…

Like the cerebral-medulla-led body parts, cerebral-cortex-led body parts lose tissue during the conflict-active phase, or lose functionality. Tissues or functionality are increasingly deteriorated and eroded away until the conflict is resolved, at which time the cerebral cortex immediately gets to work on rebuilding the lost tissue or function.

Summary of the Third Biological Law – Ontogeny as the Underlying System of Disease

In our development from fertilized ovum to full maturity (at death), Nature creates and builds four interrelated body systems, each led by their own part of the brain. Each of these four body systems deals with a specific set of functions, according to our need.

Should there be any kind of situation in our life that we cannot immediately deal with, the body system that is supposed to deal with that kind of situation will respond by either building tissue or by deteriorating its functionality in order to respond to the “emergency” situation.

Each of these four body systems has a specific and completely predictable way of responding to conflict situations. Each of these four body systems has developed to work the way it works, because that is what is best for us.

Following resolution of the conflict situation, the appropriate brain area will immediately set to work reversing the effects of its activities during the conflict-active phase of the disease.



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