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Doctor Hamer – The Second Biological Law
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Doctor Hamer – The Second Biological Law:  Two Phases of Holistic Healing


Doctor Hamer – The Second Biological Law


Doctor Hamer – The Second Biological Law


Holistic healing – that is, the entire disease and healing process from start to finish – involves a very specific pattern of events.

Since it’s a biological law of nature, this pattern of events always occurs in exactly the same sequence, though the timing may change, or the sequence of events can get hung up at one stage, or the sequence of events can be interrupted and start from the beginning again.

The pattern of events in holistic healing is simple. When (and only if) there is a resolution to a conflict-shock experience, every disease process, from measles to meningitis, occurs in two phases:


1. a conflict-active phase, in which your entire system works to find a resolution to a conflict-shock experience in your life

2. a healing phase, in which your entire system works to bring your life, your psyche, your brain, and your body all back into normal day-to-day balance. This healing phase is always punctuated with a healing crisis.

One of the most interesting things about the law of two phases in holistic healing is that, because this is a biological law of nature, you can actually see this pattern occurring in many aspects of the world, in the way that energy moves in and out of different systems. For example, the holistic healing law of two phases is also patterned in all tonal music pieces, in well-written literature, in pregnancy and childbirth, in all the stages of our lives, and in consciousness and learning!

Perhaps this means that holistic healing does not just happen to our bodies…

But, for now, let’s stick with the law of two phases in holistic healing of human and animal diseases.

Symptoms of the Conflict-Active Phase

The conflict-active phase of any disease experience begins at the moment of the DHS and continues until the conflict-shock situation is solved, either by luck or by conscious effort.

During this phase, a person pulls extra energy from different parts of her life into fixing whatever problem is bothering her. This manifests in several telling ways, even if she doesn’t consciously recognize that she is experiencing a biological conflict-shock!

All of the symptoms of the conflict-active phase are signs of a person being under stress:

– She may wake up very early in the morning: 4:00 a.m. or so. With a feeling that she just has to get busy with her day, she is unable to get back to sleep. Sleeping until noon is completely impossible.

– She may suffer from cold hands and feet, and feel chilled easily. In French, this feeling has the name “frileuse.” This is because she is devoting every spare bit of metabolic energy toward solving her conflict, and so she is not devoting as much of her metabolism toward keeping her body warm.

– She may suffer loss of appetite and weight loss. She is just not as interested in food, because she has a problem to solve.

– Her attention is pulled again and again toward the conflict situation. She finds herself less interested in her normal hobbies and day-to-day life than before.

– In the conflict-active phase, a person feels uneasy, does not feel a general sense of well-being. She is on full-alert, and tends to take things quite a bit more seriously than usual. Her concern is usually not for her own body and health, but instead her attention is on solving some external problem.

Symptoms of the Healing Phase

A holistic healing approach has to recognize that there is balance in everything: every yin must have its accompanying yang. To the extent that energy was lost out of someone’s life in dealing with a conflict-shock situation, that person will need to re-gain energy to repair her life, her psyche, her brain, and her body.

The healing phase of a disease begins at the moment that a person resolves her conflict, and continues until her system has been brought back to her normal day-to-day balance of activities.

During the healing phase, a person expends as little energy as possible on solving life’s problems. Instead, she puts all her energy into her self, and she uses this energy to repair.

All of the symptoms of the healing phase are signs of a person who is the opposite of being stressed out; she hardly takes anything seriously at all!

– In the healing phase following the resolution of a conflict situation, all sorts of physical symptoms arise: fevers, swellings, itching and aching, mucous, and… more mucous.

– She may sleep in quite late every morning, without a concern for anything. Nothing seems all that important that she can’t get a couple extra hours of sleep. She might have trouble falling asleep at night, since it’s hard to think about all her obligations tomorrow because they just don’t seem all that important.

– She may feel warm, flushed, or even fevered. This is because her metabolism has switched to inward processes of healing her tissues and rebuilding her body – that healing energy is converted to heat as part of the tissue-repair process.

– She may have a very robust appetite and experience weight gain as a result. She feels content with her life, and takes a healthy interest in the simple pleasures of good food and drink and relaxing activities.

– Her attention is diffused – she just can’t be bothered with the silly troubles of life, because nothing is really all that important. She finds her interest turning toward her more general interests, and takes great pleasure in thinking about her hobbies, relationships, life’s purpose, and other “higher” aspirations.

– In the healing phase, a person feels a general sense of well-being. She tends to take things in stride, and isn’t easily riled up. Her concern is not on external problems, but instead for her own body and health.

The most unpleasant physical symptoms of the disease process usually occur in the healing phase. But this is partly because in the conflict-active phase, we are so attuned to our external experience – and trying to solve it – that we aren’t paying attention to what’s happening to our bodies anyway.

Have you ever noticed that you come down with something only when you have the time, like on your vacation or on the weekend? This is because when you have a chance, your body enters the healing phase for various previously-unresolved life conflicts. It’s not that the disease begins when you start your vacation, it’s that the conflict is resolved and your healing phase begins.

Every healing phase is punctuated by a healing crisis. This can sometimes be an acute experience, and many of the different healing crises have been given diagnoses all their own. The Healing crisis is similar to the original conflict-shock (DHS) but in fast forward, like a flashback.


It’s rarely as cut-and-dried as simply determining whether you are dealing with a conflict-active or healing phase of a disease process. At any given time, each of us probably has at least a half-dozen disease processes going on, all at varying degrees of intensity and in different phases of the process. On top of that, healing symptoms – especially the healing crisis or healing symptoms that get you a scary medical diagnosis – can constitute whole new conflict-shocks in and of themselves!

This is why a good understanding of the entire holistic healing approach is very important. With a solid foundation to start, we can begin to look at our or others’ health situations from a larger perspective. In general, does the person feel cold or warm? When you shake his hand, is it cold? Is the person jumpy, distracted, and humourless, or is the person relaxed, lazy, and seemingly content? What sorts of experiences has the person had in the last few weeks of his or her life: shocking experiences they’re trying to deal with, or events that were conclusive and provided “closure?”

Together, the biological laws provide the tools you need to understand and promote the holistic healing process.


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